Dr. Stephen Hess


Dr. Stephen Hess is a committed dermatologist who combines cutting-edge medical treatments with a supportive approach to address hair loss.

Meet Dr. Stephen Hess​

Dr. Stephen D. Hess M.D., Ph.D. is a board certified dermatologist with extensive experience in all aspects of medical, surgical, and cosmetic dermatology.

His Philosophy

Dr. Stephen Hess, a dedicated dermatologist, believes in a holistic approach to treating hair loss. His philosophy centers around the idea that effective treatment goes beyond mere medical intervention; it requires understanding the emotional and psychological impact hair loss can have on individuals. Dr. Hess is passionate about providing comprehensive care that addresses both the physical and mental aspects of hair loss. He emphasizes the importance of personalized treatment plans, recognizing that each patient's journey and needs are unique.

Background & Education

A native of Buffalo, NY, Dr. Hess graduated from the State University of New York at Buffalo School of Medicine, where he earned both his medical degree (M.D.) and a doctorate (Ph.D.) in immunology at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute. He completed his undergraduate education at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, NC. Dr. Hess is a member of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS), the American Society for Mohs Surgery (ASMS), the Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology (PAD), and the Philadelphia Dermatologic Society.
Dr. Hess is a Clinical Associate of Dermatology at the University of Pennsylvania, where he is involved in teaching dermatology residents and medical students. He has published extensively in top medical journals in the field of dermatology and oncology and has lectured at numerous local and national meetings. Dr. Hess offers patients comprehensive solutions to hair thinning and loss in both men and women in the Philadelphia region.​​

Before & After

Dr. Stephen D. Hess, M.D., Ph.D.


A native of Buffalo, NY, Dr. Hess graduated from the State University of New York at Buffalo School of Medicine, where he earned both his medical degree (M.D.) and a doctorate (Ph.D.) in immunology at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute. He completed his undergraduate education at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, NC. Dr. Hess is a member of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS), the American Society for Mohs Surgery (ASMS), the Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology (PAD), and the Philadelphia Dermatologic Society.
Dr. Hess is a Clinical Associate of Dermatology at the University of Pennsylvania, where he is involved in teaching dermatology residents and medical students. He has published extensively in top medical journals in the field of dermatology and oncology and has lectured at numerous local and national meetings. Dr. Hess offers patients comprehensive solutions to hair thinning and loss in both men and women in the Philadelphia region.​

The Dr. Mavan Difference

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Associations & Memberships



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Vivamus non vestibulum diam. Nullam eget dictum metus. Donec eget libero a elit pretium porttitor. Mauris rutrum cursus cursus. Vivamus cursus, diam a tincidunt sollicitudin

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